Pyramids In The Pacific  

The Unwritten History Of Australia

Chapter 25

China and the Southern Land of Chui Hiao

"I, Chang P'ing-Tzu, had traversed the

Nine Wilds and seen the wonders,

In the eight continents beheld the ways of Man,

The Sun's procession, the orbit of the Stars,

The surging of the dragon, the soaring of

the Phoenix in his flight.

In the red desert of the south I sweltered

Portion of a poem by

Chang Heng

78-139 AD.

Chapter 25 Images

Chinese Goddess Shao Lin

{Protectress of Mariners at Sea}

Pyramids in the Pacific Ch 25

In December 1961 the Peking {Beijing} press published the claims of eminent Chinese historian Chen-Hua-hsin, that Chinese explorers had discovered America over a thousand years before Columbus. "We do not deny Columbus's achievement to discovering a new route from Europe to America, but our own claim is based on incontrovertible fact"; he stated. At the same time Beijing University researchers announced that Australia also, had been discovered at least 200 years before the arrival of Captain Cook.

They cited one ancient account that Chinese explorers, in huge junks carrying hundreds of people, had made many voyages to the "southern land of Chui Hiao", which they established as "a great Buddhist country beyond the seas", and established colonies to mine gold, silver, copper, tin, other precious metals and gemstones, as well as gather pearls in the coastal waters. All this, they said, was commonplace over 2000 years ago.

These disclosures of China's "unknown" {to Westerners} history of maritime achievements, will come as a surprise to many people; for while the great voyages of the early Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, French and British are well documented, and commonplace in school history books, what is generally not known is that Chinese mariners were putting to sea in the days of the Pharaohs, to explore the world's oceans.

The Chinese civilisations developed in the fertile valley of the Yellow River of Northern China, from where it spread out across the land. Much later another centre of Chinese civilisation developed in the Yangtze River valley. China's history is one of continual wars, as one invading army after another attempted to subjugate them. Some of the invaders were successful, until they in turn were overthrown by yet another invader. There were also dynasties who seized power throughout China, ruling the land for several centuries.

Others were not so successful, and were quickly overthrown by the armies of stronger rulers, in a struggle repeated over and over again until 1911, when a revolution overthrew the last ruling family. Then in 1948 the new Chinese government was itself overthrown by the communists. The first dynasty known for surviving historical records is the Shang, which began in 1523 BC and ended in 1027 BC. Excavated burial sites have revealed animal 'oracle' bones bearing inscribed letterings, which have enabled archaeologists to assemble much of China's history dating back at least 3000 years. They have also have unearthed weapons, implements and vessels of bronze pottery of exquisite workmanship, revealing the high artistic and cultural standards reached by this people.

The Shang rulers were overthrown by the Chou {pronounced 'Joe"} after five centuries of rule. However being unable to rule over this vast land, they divided it up into states, appointing friends and relatives to govern them. These rulers eventually fell out with one another and war once again erupted across China. By 300 BC, only a small number of stronger states had emerged from this continual conflict. In 221 BC, the powerful state of Ch'in overthrew all others and effectively ended these wars.

Dancing Chinaman