Pyramids In The Pacific
The Unwritten History Of Australia
Chapter 3
'Australantis' Did Civilisation Spread From Australia? |
"They who build in granite,
who set a hall inside their pyramid,
and wrought beauty with their fine work...
Thier altar stones also are empty as those of the weary ones,
the ones who die upon the embankment leaving no mourners".
Ancient Egyptian Saying
3 Images
Western End of the 234.3m Stone Alignment
Found by Rex Gilroy
Deep in the Glen Innes hills in 1976, Heather {my wife] and I investigated a granite-covered property. Scattered over an area of about 12 square acres we identified a number of huge menhirs, altars and other stone arrangements; the most impressive of these being a lengthy alignment of huge boulders, a megalithic temple and three circles, as being the largest we have found to date.
The largest circle is actually pear-shaped,and stands on an open flat upon an east-west axis. The western end is marked by a larger pointer stone, from where the sun could be sighted rising in the east through a wide gap in the stones. The 'pointer ' actually forms the apex of the 'pear' as well as a triangular formation which makes up the western end of the pear-circle. Thirty four stones form the 'pear-circle', which measures 120m in length by 60m width. The triangular formation being 15.2m across its north-south base by 57.1m and 80.1m on its north and south sides respectively.
The exact purpose of this crude 'triangle' is still uncertain. 157.2m to the east lies the second circle formed of ten massive boulders 30.9m from east to west by 28.4m from north to south with a large 4.6m by 1.8m wide altar near the southern edge, and an alignment of three small rocks spaced 6.7m and 8m, apart on an south east-north west axis within the structure point beyond a 16.5m wide gap between two monoliths.
The third circle,{actually 'horseshoe' shaped}, measures 96.8m circumference by 34.3m width east-west, and 32.4m from north-south. Constructed of mostly huge boulders, the centre is marked by one of these, and a large pine tree now growing beside it obscures the view. There is a 4.2m wide entrance between the two boulders on the north-west side, and a 10.6m wide gap on the south-west side allowed the ancient astronomers to observe the sunset in the winter months from the large central boulder. Other stones on the eastern side were employed to mark the Winter Solstice {June 22nd}
Some of the stones forming this circle average 3.7m or more in height by 12.4m and more in circumference, weighing 30 to 40 tonnes. The stone alignment consists of seven standing stones {one being a massive 40 tonne boulder}, erected on an east-west axis to a length of 97.3m. There is a 137m gap toward the east until a 3m tall boulder. Behind this facing west, lying broken in two is an obelisk-like menhir {standing stone}. Upon its exposed surface, which faced the east when erected upright, are nine deeply carved grooves several centimetres apart.
The broken base measures 4.6m square and when intact and upright this huge menhir stood 15.3m tall. The purpose of the grooves, it is thought, was to catch and in some way calculate, the receding shadow of the rising sun. This menhir towered over the alignment, which has a total length of 328.7m. An observer standing some metres beyond the westernmost stone would have been able to line up the rising sun with the 'obelisk' menhir at the Summer Solstice. South of the third circle stand massive stone blocks in a square formation measuring 30.8m by 16m; the remains of a temple.
A corridor extends between the blocks along the structures' southern side. Two large altars are found here. One measures 4m long by 2.1m wide and 90cm tall, with a 1.6m length and 36cm wide 'pathway' cut up the left side of the stone to a flat surface.
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