Pyramids in the Pacific

By Yvonne C. Stephens,

Bay of Islands N.Z

9th March, 2000

There are those people who steadfastly refuse to allow the facts to get in the way of a good story, and there are others who, like myself, prefer to have the facts. This book is for the latter, who would rather see hard facts and solid evidence in search of a theory to fit them rather than the other way round. In the twenty years I have been privileged to know and work with the team of Rex and Heather Gilroy, I have been constantly amazed at their ability to come into, for them, virgin territory, and discover artifacts and information which other's, including myself, have passed by, or not recognised as significant.

This book is a factual record of some of the more historically significant discoveries they have made.

Everything has been at their own expense. As with all new and disturbing information, all around the world, the 'halls of academia' are reluctant, nay even hostile to the prospect of re-writing history books in the light of new evidence. Such Gems as 'Did Colombus REALLY Discover America", or was he beaten to it by the Vikings and the Knights Templar?, as new information would suggest.

"Where did the Piri Reis map come from, how ancient is it, and why was it so accurate?" and "How did Abel Tasman get his map of N.Z. West coast if he was the first man to discover the Country?" the list goes on. Like so many others, my real education started only after I left College, and became free to study and explore those subjects which interested me, instead of wasting my time and energies studying much of what proved to be highly irrelevant out in the 'real world'.

Rex Gilroy is at the 'cutting edge' of the new field of pre-history.

He has spent the last 40 years following his passion for Archaeology and Natural History, going fearlessly wherever it has taken him, free of any preconceived ideas or notions on what the should, or shouldn't expect when he got there. Here he presents his findings.

Any person wishing to refute or dispute his conclusions is free to leave his Ivory Tower, or the depths of his armchair, go out out into the field and see for himself what is REALLY there. Good hunting.