Rex & Heather Gilroy - Research of the Australian (Marsupial) Panther

Rex Gilroy hopes to inspire other future researchers to follow his example and dare to question long-established dogmas of our prehistory and, like him, reveal evidence for long-hidden mysteries about which the scientific establishment would prefer we knew nothing.
Rex & Heather Gilroy

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Rex and Heather Gilroy-Australia's Top 'Unexplained' Mysteries Research Team. Photos & Text copyright (c) Rex & Gilroy Heather 2010
• Research of Rex & Heather Gilroy - Panther Research Australian Zoos - More Stories Up June 2010

Taronga Park Zoo Black Panther

Panther Sydney zoo-from the herald

Original Article

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954) Saturday 9 June 1934 Page 16

Taronga Park Zoo Black Panther

A black panther from Singapore arrived by the Nieuw Holland yesterday for the Sydney Zoo. Officers of the vessel said that the animal behaved well during the voyage. and lived mostly on raw meat.

Taronga Park Zoo 2 Black Panthers

Panthers Sydney zoo-from the Herald

Original Article

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954) Wednesday 5 August 1936 Page 21

Additional Exhibits

Mr. H, B. 'Browne, secretary of Taronga Park Trust, stated yesterday that arrangements had been completed, through the British Government, to obtain two orangoutangs from Borneo. These were quite tame, one being accustomed lo play about with the cats and dogs in his home district. Other acquisitions were two black panthers from the Singapore and Sourabaya Zoos, and additional monkeys and coloured birds from Bandrtng,

The trust has approved of Mr. Browne visit- ing the East in search of more specimens. He leaves next Wednesday by the Nankin. The chairman of the trust (Colonel Spain) said that the purpose of trie trip was to gather exhibits for the new monkey circus, now in course of constructlon, and for the big show they were planning for the next Christmas season

Panther For Zoo

Panther Melbourne Zoo -from the Herald

Original Article

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848-1954) Tuesday 8 April 1930 Page 5

Panther For Zoo

This panther from India, consigned to the Melbourne Zoo, was brought to Melbourne by tho steamer Nirpura yesterday. This photograph was taken just before the animal was transferred from the box in which it made the voyage to its cage at the Zoo.

Fierce Panther At The Zoo

Panther Melbourne Zoo -from the Herald

Original Article

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848-1954) Saturday 14 April 1928 Page 27

Fierce Panther At The Zoo

Additional interest has been given to the Zoo by the arrival yesterday of two black panthers from Java. The panther which is snarling so ferociously through the bars of its cage severely injured a wharf labourer on the steamer Houtman in Sydney. The panther is one of the fiercest of animals.

Leopards Purchased For Zoo Section.

11 December 1875, p.4 col. B. 'Botanic Gardens.' Palm-House being erected; leopards purchased for zoo section.

Greg) No Extra Details Found Yet

New South Wales Zoological Society

Original Article

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954) Saturday 3 July 1886 Page 9

New South Wales Zoological Society

The usual monthly meeting of the council of the New South Wales Zoological Society was held at the Gardens, Moore Park, yesterday afternoon, under the presidency of Mr. A. T. Holroyd. There were also present-Dr Dansey, Messrs. S. M. Frankland, Walter Bradley, Charles Moore, W. Beaumont, George Wall, and W. H Catlett (secretary).

The minutes of the proceeding meeting were read and signed. The banker's pass-book showed a credit balance of £115 13s. 5d. Correspondence was also read. The secretary's report was as under:- "The receipts from the gates for the month ending 1st July amounted to £179 11s. 5d. representing the admission of 8795 visitors into the gardens, 5570 being adults and 3225 children.

The receipts from the elephants amounted to £15 1s., and from the donkeys and ponies to £8 12s. 3d., bringing the total receipts for the four woeks up to £203 4s. 6d. 1316 school children accompanied by 42 teachers, also visited the gardens during the month.

A female black leopard purchased for the society by Captain Hay arrived safe from the Mauritius on the 8th June.

A fine male ostrich purchased from Messrs. W. H. Cave and Co. arrived to-day (Friday) from Adelaide. A bear, an American eagle, and two coyotes also arrived the same morning from San Francisco, purchased for the society by the purser of the s.s. Mariposa. The carpenters have been employed during the month in erecting the belfry, and in repairing the animal cages.

The gardeners have been employed in form ing the walk from Messrs. Quong Tart's retirement rooms to the elophant's shed and also in trenching the ground round the board room and the superintendent's cottage." Appended is the list of donors and donations since the last monthly meeting :- Carpet snake, presented by J. A. Robertson, York-street ; freshwater crayfish, Dr Cox ; 2 bronzewing pigeons, 2 plovers, John Phillips, Hillston ; a young gazelle, D.C. Rennie, s.s.Valetta ; quantity of biscuits, O.S.N. Co ; 2 white rats, Master J. Freeman, Bourke-street ; 2 Angora goats, Ralph Richardson, Rose-hill ; paradie duck, Russell E. Conolly, Goulburn ; six bags of shells, J.R. Hill ; blue-tongued lizard, J. Cunnington, Zoological Gardens ; monkey, P. Passmore, Kent-street, kangaroo, Miss Gertrude Marsh, Ashfield ; quantity of sugar-cane.

Purchased : A Black Panther

The following letter was received by the secretary from the Town Clerk's Office, dated 11th June, 1886 - " Sir - I have the honour by the direction of the Mayor, and in pursuance of a resolution of the City Council, to submit for the consideration of the directors of the Zoological Society, the question of the advisabilty of opening the gardens for the admission of the public on Sundays. I have &.c., C. H. WOOLCOTT, Town Clerk."

After a discussion in the course of which the majority of the councillors expressed themselves as being in favour of opening the gardens, it was resolved to postpone the matter for a fortnight. The letter in question has been replied to. Other unimportant matters were dealt with, and the meeting terminated.

Panther For Zoo

Panther Melbourne Zoo -from the Herald

Original Article

The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843-1893) Saturday 15 December 1866 Page 2


Tuesday, six p.m.

[Herald."]-A public meeting is to be held in the Town Ilall to-night to oppose tho increase to the Governor's salary.-A meeting of Protes- tant ministers is to be shortly held on the subject of the Marriage Law Amendment Bill. Eight out of the eleven tenders for the survey of the Northern Territory arc from Victoria or New South Wales.-No change in the corn market. Wheat, 4s. 3d. to 4s. 4d. per bushel. Flour, X11 10s. to ¿C12 10s. per ton.

[Empire.]-Delegates from South Australia will attend the proposed postal conference at Mel- bourne if the other colonies are likewise represented.


Mr.Barlec, principal shorthand writer to the Parliament, who probably has more kangaroo blood to answer for than any other city man in the colony, sends the following to the Guardian ; it is dated from Kedron Brook: "On five distinct occasions, while hunting in the neighbourhood, I have seen an animal which I cannot classify as belonging to any known genus of the natural history of this colony. I have always found it in the same locality-a patch of grass-tree jungle, about three miles distant from my house.

In form it resembles, more than any other animal with which I am acquainted, the panther of North America; but it is entirely black. Its head is something like that of a well-bred terrier, the nose being short and pointed, while the ears are sharp and erect like those of a fox. Its neck is, however, far more elongated than that of a dog or cat.

It runs in a series of bounds, but does not take to a tree like puss, and it is at least double the size. I hope yet to secure this animal, but unfortunately I have never como across it when I have had a gun in my hand ; and my dogs, although they have chased it several times, have invariably declined to worry it, and I need not say, worried me considerably by not doing so. Can it be the ' debbil-debbil' of the natives, or if not what tha debbil is it?"-Queensland Times.

Adventures In The Wood

Original Article

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954) Thursday 26 August 1869 Page 5

Adventures In The Wood

OuR great delight, as children, used to be to get leave to go into Aunt 'Betty sitting-room for half an hour before dinner. We always found the old lady dressed in black velvet, and seated in a big red morocco chair ;in summer, drawn close to the open window; in winter, equally close to the fire. She was always ready to tell us a story, and such stories as Aunt Betty's I've never heard since.

In her girlhood, she had gone with her father to Canada, and after living their for twenty years, had married and emigrated to Australia, then to South America ; und now, having outlived her husband, her sons and daughters, she had taken refuge in her grand-nephew's house, and so become the joy and delight of half-a-dozen story loving, never-satisfied children.

"Things were altogether different when I was, a girl," Aunt Betty would say; "we were never afraid of our own shadows, as you bairns are. I could go miles in the dark, even when the woods were full of wolves, and never fancy I was going to be eaten up like ' Little Red Riding llood.'

When my father settled in the back woods-I can tell you the place was a wild one-a great roaring river ron past the shanty; forests, with trees bigger than any in the park here, stretched round for miles. We had between, three and four months summer, then came all the rest of the year winter, when the snow now lay feet deep on the patio, and the river got frozen over; when there was nothing to be done but to house-feed what live beasts we had, trap such wild beasts as had skins worth selling, and such as were our natural enemies. Among the last, of course, were wolves, bears, and Panthers

"When my father or brothers killed a deer they hung it up, and it was my duty to jerk the meat, and then bring it home. While doing this, my only companions weire a couple of large half-bred Cuba blood- hounds ; great black-muzzled, broad-chested, brave dogs, ready to attack any animal, and their unflinching courage. Many a time have we come upon a napped wolf, and never once did the dogs fail to do their work,

"One day, I remember so well, going to look for a deer my brother Jack had skinned the day before ; « !iap had been put close to the place, and in the trap, fast by a hind leg, was one of the biggest and surliest looking bears I'd ever seen. In an instant the dogs were at him, but he did not seem to care a bit for them, boxing them about and growling, just as if he were laughing at them.

At last he got hold of Turk, and began squeezing him. I could not stand quietly by and see my favourite dog killed, so, forgetting everything but Turk's danger, I made a, rush forward and hit Mr. Bruin over the head witt &ÍÍ axe I earned. He knocked the axe out of my hand, and, losing my balance, I fell down, and the next tiling I felt was the bear's great hairy cheat. It was not plesant to be hugged by a bear, I can tell you, and I fought and screamed as hard as I could. I was nearly squeezed to death, when my father, who had heard the noise, came running up, and saved me.

"A great friend of mine had married, and come to settle pretty near us ; that is to say, near for those days. She had a little baby, and, not having been used to the woods and wild beasts as I had, wa» very timid. Her husband being suddenly called away upon business, Kate sent over for me to go and stay with her until he came back. This I was glad to do, for I w as very fond of her, and so seldom had a chance of seeing a woman of my own age, that it was a great treat to tit beside Kate and hear her talk, or watching her nursing the little scrap of a thing she called her baby, and was so proud of. Nothing par- ticular happened the first night; but upon the second the baby was not very well, and kept cryiog loudly.

The bedstead, I ought to tell you, was broken, so we had made a shakedown, and were sleeping on the floor. Well, in the middle of the night, I heard something scratching on the top of the house ; on it went, until it became evident that the creaturte, what-ever it was, had torn the thatch away, and intended to come in through the roof. You may believe I watched the boards earnestly, and that when I saw one of them shoved aside and a great fawn-coloured paw thrust in, my heart gave a jump.

There was not time for much more, for the next moment the board being pushed away, a hairy face with two red balls of eyes glared in upon us, and then down sprang a large panther coming upon ths ground all-fours like a cat. Kate and I pulled the clothes over our heads, and each thought death had come ; for what could two unnamed women do against a hungry panther?

Well, as we lay shaking and wondering, the baby fell asleep, and so stopped crying. I heard the panther walk up to the bedside, and sit down ; then he began a purring sort of sound-wagging his tail upon the ground; next he lifted one of his paws and tapped the bed-covering pretty gently, just as if he waa wondering what kind of creatures we were, and how ho was to get at us. This was too much for Kate; she could not bear the fear any longer, and, uttering a fearful shriek, she sprang up, throwing the bed- clothes over the astonished panther.

"The movement being so sudden and unexpected, scared the panther, who sprung up through the hole in the roof like lightning, and, I suppose, made the best of his way to the woods. At any rate, we saw no more of him, and have had many a good laugh at the adventure since."-The Quiver.

Panthers and Leopards for the Adelaide Zoo

Original Article

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848-1954) Tuesday 5 January 1915 Page 7

Panthers For Zoo - Shipping Notes

Houtman arrived from Java. Included in a cargo of 'mainly Eastern produce was a batch of panthers and leopards for the Adelaide Zoo. These animal will be transhipped at Melbourne, and thence couried by rail to Adelaide. The Houtman is due to leave again for Batavia on Saturday.

Panthers For Zoo

Original Article

The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889-1931) Monday 11 January 1915 Page 6

Additions To The Zoo

The Director of the Zoological Gardens (Mr. A- C. Miiienin) returned to Adelaide by the Melbourne express on Saturday. He went over to take delivery of two black panthers and four leopards from Java. The animals are beautfully spotted, and will be a valuable addition to the collection at the Zoological Gadens. From Melbourne they were transshipped to Port Adelaide, where they arrived on Friday night after a rough passage. In the course of a few days the animals will be removed to cages prepared for them and be on view at the gardens.

The Panther's Prey

Panther Feature Film

Original Article

The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889-1931) Monday 3 February 1913 Page 2

The Panthers Prey, The Most Thrilling Wild Animal Feature Ever Presented

A Sensational Story of the Jungle, Introducing several Hand-to-Hand Encounters with Ferocious Panthers.

A Veritable Cannonade of Thrills

• Reports - Sightings From the 1995 Book Mysterious Australia * Click Here *
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• Panther Research A.C.T (Canberra) * Click Here *
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Reports on Panther Activity by Government Departments

• NSW Agriculture Report on information available on the reported large black cat in the Blue Mountains. Prepared by: Bill Atkinson, Agricultural Protection Officer * Click Here *

• Legislative Assembly - Thursday 22 May 2003 * Click Here *
• Australian Zoos * Click Here *
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Rex & Heather Gilroy - Research of the Australian (Marsupial) Panther -Sighting Reports

Kangaroo Valley: If, as I maintain, we are dealing with a still unknown species of giant marsupial cat related to Thylacoleo, then we can cancel out the 'panther' feral cat theory. Undoubtedly, feral cats make up a large percentage of Kangaroo Valley 'panther' reports, but a comparison of physical descriptions and plaster casts of 'panther' paw-prints certainly distinguishes this animal from any feral cat.
Rex & Heather Gilroy
Rex and Heather Gilroy-Australia's Top 'Unexplained' Mysteries Research Team.
Photos & Text From mysterious Australia copyright (c) Rex & Gilroy Heather 2010
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