Press Release Spring 2006 |



PRESS RELEASE for Dangerous Spiders Public Awareness Project 2006


Katoomba Rotarian/spider authority Rex Gilroy with two preserved spider specimens.
Katoomba Rotarian/spider authority Rex Gilroy
with two preserved spider specimens.
Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2006

“Dangerous Spiders Public Awareness” Project


The Hornsby District is facing another infestation of deadly Funnel Web Spiders, and home owners must take every precaution possible to prevent these spiders entering their properties and homes. That is the warning of Rex Gilroy, noted Blue Mountains-based Entomologist/Naturalist.

Rex Gilroy is co-ordinator of the rotary Club of Katoomba “Dangerous spiders Public Awareness” life-saving community service project which the Club is operating Australia-wide.

Rotarian Rex Gilroy has had 50 years research experience with Funnel Webs, as well as other dangerous spider species. As part of the project, the Club is offering a booklet with every dangerous and not-so-dangerous spider species illustrated, together with their individual life histories and habits, advice for parents of young children on how to avoid being bitten and other life-saving advice.

There is also a step-by-step illustrated first-aid procedure for spider bite. The booklet can be obtained by sending a donation to cover postage to the Rotary Club of Katoomba “Dangerous Spiders Public Awareness”, PO Box 202 Katoomba NSW 2780. All moneys raised from excess postage donations goes to Rotary Clubs International charities within Australia.

The Club also operates a 24-hour “Dangerous Spiders Hotline” [02 4782 3441] where concerned home owners can obtain advice on any spider problems they may have from Rex Gilroy.

“Spring has only just begun and already since mid-August the Club has been receiving urgent phone calls from Hornsby District residents, reporting captures of Funnel Web Spiders in their homes. Other dangerous species, such as the Red-Back, White-tail and Eastern Mouse Spider are also being reported from this district and elsewhere over a wide are of the northern and western Sydney suburbs. The indications are that the approaching summer months are going to be a very dangerous time.

Funel Web Spider Rex Back Spider Eastern Mouse Spider White Tail Spider
Funnel Web Spider
Red Back Spider Eastern Mouse Spider White Tail Spider

We hope that the community will take full advantage of our Club’s service”, said Rex.

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