Paranormal and

Psychic Australian October 1977

Dinosaurs Hunted by Aboriginals

By Rex Gilroy

Aboriginals And Dinosaurs

A group of fur-clad cavemen, spears in hand lie crouched behind rocks on a rugged mountainside. They are watching the enormous greyish horny armourplated lizardlike creature not many yards in front of them. Having circled around their prey a signal is given, the hunters suddenly spring from their cover.With cries they hurl their spears at the creature. Giving a fearsome hiss at its tormentors the creature begins to defend himself. Swinging his thorny tail it hurls one hunter to the ground. Others are almost trampled by the beast as it moves toward to escape its attackers. One warrior rushes at the beast thrusting his spear at the creatures neck, another thrusts his spear into an eye. With a hissing gasp the beast crumbles agonising to the ground. The warriors triumphantly rush the lifeless beast whose meat will now serve the food needs of the hunter's tribe.Fantastic you say? Something out of a late night horror movie on tv? Perhaps not, as the following article is intended to point out.

The Dinosaur Riddle

According to the geological and fossil evidence dinosaurs lived during the Triassic period 225 million years ago until the end of the Cretaceous period about 70 million years ago when it is said they became extinct. Factors coupled with the vast environmental changes to which the earth was being subjected at the time are all said to have contributed to the decline of the "age of the reptiles" by the end of the Cretaceous period. The actual evolution of the dinosaur is another mystery. Where they originally began has long puzzled Palaeontologists. Some say Africa or Europe, others have suggested Asia or America.

There is in fact a school of thought based upon actual fossil evidence that the dinosaurs first arose on the Australian continent which at that time was part of the super continent Gondwanaland, and that the creatures spread out across this land mass prior to the eventual drifting apart of the present continents. Australian dinosaur material is not in poor supply despite the claims of the scientists. These claims may bee based on the fact that little government financial support has ever been made available for excavations. The majority of discoveries in this field have been made by amateur researchers although their findings have been given little publicity by the authorities.

Dinosaur Traces

In the course of many years as a naturalist I have searched the country-side for traces of these enormous giants of our geological past. From the Blue Mountains alone I have gathered a vast store of their fossilised footprints, teeth and other fragments. Enough to convince me that dinosaur remains in Australia are far from begin a rarity. There is also other evidence which needs to be given an explanation, evidence which if accepted for what it implies would upset the very foundations of Saurian (dinosaur) palaeontology. The question raised by the supposed evidence is did the dinosaurs really become extinct when the scientists claim they did.

Recent Dinosaurs In Australia

For it is now my intention to present evidence even from Australia which proposes the likelihood that dinosaurs may have lingered in some parts of the world into comparatively recent times. In my article " And There Were Giants"{Psy Aus, Oct. 1976} I set forth my evidence for the former existence of a race of giant stone-age men in Australia thousands of years ago.

Enormous Implements

In the vicinity of Bathurst NSW I have excavated hundreds of sometimes enormous stone implements, hand-axes, clubs, pounders, adzes, knives and other tools, ranging from weights of 15 to up to 25 lb.

Fossil Teeth

Also uncovered have been fossil teeth, one molar of which measures 67 mm in length by 50 by 42 mm across the crown.

Enormous Fossil Footprints

Besides these tools and fossil teeth, enormous fossil footprints have been found from over a wide area of Australia, some measuring 2 ft in length and 8 inches to over a foot in width. Other prints measure 18 inches wide and as much as 30 inches in length. The implications are that men of 12 to 20 ft in height once roamed the continent. The ages of these fossil prints range from one to several million years. There were other prints which I made only a passing reference to in the article as they fell outside the above category.

Among these are a set of three huge footprints discovered a few years ago near Mulgoa south of Penrith NSW. These prints each measuring 2 ft in length and 7 inches across the toes are 6ft apart indicating the stride of the 12ft giant who left them. The prints are preserved in volcanic lava and ash flows which occured in the Triassic period! The excuse of some Palaeontologists that the five-toed prints were probably made by a reptile with a manlike foot does not hold water and amore convincing counter argument has yet to be offered for them.

Another set of fossil footprints which fit this category are to be found on the Blue Mountains west of Penrith. The two prints are 14 inches in length and 6 inches across the toes. They are impressed into a solid iron stone embankment. Gravels a few feet below them indicate that the prints were actually impressed into the mud on a river bank. The geological evidence indicates the volcanic lava covered the site shortly after, thus preserving the prints. It is not only the evidence of volcanic lava that attests to the great age of the footprints. The river gravels and fossilised footprints lie nearby the tracks of another much larger creature, the three-toed prints of some long dead reptillian giant of the Triassic period.

Further Evidence

Yet further evidence of this sort is to be found again this time near Sydney. A vast shoal of ironstone, the remains of an ancient swamp which like the Paluxy River fossils of Texas holds a number of enormous, and also smaller, reptillian prints. Prints of feet, tail and other marks intermingled with the unmistakable fossilised footprints of modern-sized men.

When Did Dinosaurs Really Become Extinct

If man and dinosaur were indeed contemoraneous somewhere on the planet in the dim past we are faced with the problem of how to reshape our thinking. For either the age of the extinction of these beasts must be bought forward to the known period of man's appearance on this earth, or else the age of man must be pushed back to the period of the great Saurians. Either explanation is unthinkable to the scientists.

Aboriginal Folklore {Giant Reptiles}

Whatever the thoughts on this matter our own Australian Aborigines also posses a number of equally fantastic legends of gigantic reptillian beasts whose descriptions and habits told for thousands of years would fit the exact description of monsters known only to scientific textbooks of Palaeontologists. According to the folklore of the former tribes of the area around Lake Alexandrina, South Australia, there once lived back in the Dream Time a giant reptillian beast which was taller than the trees and which a great hunter named Wyungare killed by spearing the creature. The monster was said to have moved quickly upon its hind legs whose feet possessed great claws. Its two front legs were too small to be useful and its had a fearsome head with sharp teeth. Whether the mysterious monster was a creature similar to Tyrannosaurus or whether the Aborigines merely confused some reptile with the giant kangaroos of the Pleistocene period is debatable.

Central Australian Folklore {Kulta}

However there was something even more remarkable about the description of Kulta, the giant serpent that had lived according to Central Australian Aboriginal folklore, in the swamps and water courses of the far north when all the land of that part of Australia was a lush jungle and swamp covered region. Kulta it was said had a small head at the end of along narrow neck, which was attached to an enormously bulky body supported by four great legs. He moved about the swamps and landscape trailing along pointed tail behind him. Kulta was so long that if he were to enter a forest his head would protrude from one end and his tail from the other.

Kulta's food so the legends say consisted of plant life in the forests and swamps. All the natives feared Kulta whom they regarded with great awe. Whenever Kulta moved about the countryside the ground shook with his tremendous weight. Unfortunately there came a time when all the land dried up, the forests turned to desert, the swamps emptied and Kulta died. If the apperance of Kulta as described in the ancient folklore of the Central Australian tribes is correct then Kulta could best be described as a member of the Sauropoda, that family of Triassic reptillia which contained the best known dinosaurs, ie the Brontosaurus, Diplodocus, Camerosaurus, and others.

Groote Eylandt {Gulf Of Carpentaria}

Among the tribes of Groote Eylandt in the Gulf of Carpentaria there were, or still are, widespread myths which describe huge reptillian creatures including lizards, even snakes, all of whom lived in waterholes. The Aborigines were afraid to approach these waterholes for fear of the beasts and always performed ceremonies in the hope of pleasing these monsters so that they might be safe to go near the watercourses. On Groote Eylandt there lived a "Gecko" called Ipilya who was 100 yards long. His appearance was much like that of Kulta and he was reputed to live in the Numarika swamp. The Aborigines associated him with thunder and the monsoonal rain because of this fearsome creatures voice.

Bunyip {Wanambi}

Another "impossible" was the Bunyip of the far north of Australia known as Wanambi. Now, I know that the Bunyip was known across Australia and that it often took on the guise of several animals in one. However even the extinct giant marsupial Diprotodon was regarded as the Bunyip in some areas, and also the crocodile. The 'bunyip' Wanambi was regarded like the Diprotodon as a single animal, and a very real one. Of that the tribesmen were adamant.

Wanambi had the same features as Ipilya and Kulta with his long neck and tail, bulky body and four large legs with which he waded about in the swamps and moved about on the land. he was described as a giant snake by the tribespeople, but then what snake ever walked about on four legs? However Wanambi differed slightly from Ipilya and Kulta in that he possessed a mane extending down his back, somewhat like the sail-backed forms of the dinosaurs, and was highly coloured. There exist to this day Aboriginal cave paintings in the far north of Wanambi to support these conclusions.

Dinosaur Colours

A point I would like to make at this stage regarding the colours of dinosaurs is that although we don not know what colours they were, most scientists agree there is no reason why they could not have had much the same colours as present-day reptiles, ie mottled shades, browns, greens or even reds.

Victorian Aboriginal Dinosaur's

Victoria is not without its Aboriginal myths of dinosaurian type monsters. Creatures such as Kooleen, decried as a long necked reptile, slender body and tall, with four legs but which moved about on its hind pair. another 'bunyip' reptile-like beast whose name does not survive is said to have existed in some numbers back in the dream time. The creatures were scaly-covered long necked animals with bulky bodies and long tails. They moved through the swamps on four legs. Even William Buckley, the escaped convict who lived for many years with the Aborigines, claimed to have seen one of these creatures.


The natives of the Melbourne district speak of another large beast known as Myndie. He was they said very long and bulky in the body and also very powerful. Another long necked long-tailed sauropod-type reptile, Myndie was said to be able to destroy and Aborigines who dared come to close to him, even though groups of Aboriginal hunters are said to have attempted to kill Myndie on a number of occasions. Myndie had a great head from which he emitted hisses and ejected "poison" his tongue was forked. The aborigines were very precise about the exact area inhabited by Myndie. They said he lived in a country called Bukerbunnel and he drank from a creek named Neelcunnunn. His neck was so long that Myndie could often be seen eating foliage from the tops of trees.

The ground for a great distance around the place where Myndie lived was they said very hard, with hard substances small and white like hail. Today we now know the region where Myndie lived. Burkerbunnel is a great mountain situated about 18 miles north-west of Wedderburn and about 24 miles west of the Avoca River. It is but a small area of granite and lies closely adjacent to the Murray tertiary deposits which cover the whole of the Mallee country. This included the plains of Kow, the region occupied by the tribes. These plains exist in the sandy tracts of the north-west and are claypans or dried up basins of old lakes. On the surface of these are to be found crystals of sulphate of lime and broken powdered gypsum and selenite. These fragments are the " hard substances", small and white like hail.

Long Necked Aquatic Creatures

If we consider the proposition that dinosaurs may have survived into historic times or that they may still be with us we must consider the many sightings of apparent long necked aquatic creatures sighted regularly throughout the oceans of the world, creatures that resemble in every detail the well known "Lock Ness Monster." These mysterious beasts, often reaching lengths of from 30 to 50ft are also familiar to Australian waters {see Psy Aus Feb 1977, Australia's Marine Colossus}. They are a feature of the tribal folklore of Aboriginals who formally occupied the shores of Lake Galilee, Queensland, where long necked water monsters are said to have inhabited the lake since the Dream time.

Monsters And Cave Art

The natives have featured these monsters in their cave art nearby and even local farmers claim to have sighted the creatures from time to time over many years. The descriptions given of these strange creatures by many eyewitnesses fit exactly the structure of a group of aquatic reptillian monsters of the Triassic period known as the Plesiosarus and there is growing evidence to indicate that later-day forms of this group may indeed survive, once again forcing science to draw new and surprising conclusions.

Reptillian Monsters Around The World


Later-day species of giants of the past may in fact linger on in certain regions which are unexplored by man and which have changed little since the "age of dinosaurs". This was the theory of Captain Leicester Stevens who in 1919 led an expedition to Central Africa to follow up reports of strange reptillian monsters which were said to have been seen from time to time over the years. Although Captain Stevens failed to bring back any evidence of these beasts, the stories have persisted even to the present day. Among the many reptillian monsters of Congo native folklore is the Chipekwe. It is said to live only in swamps, is about 16 yards in length and has a lizard like head and tail. Cave drawings of the monster exist, done by the primitive natives. The general appearance of the creature has led some researchers to believe the Chipekwe could be a relative of the Brontosaurus.


It was the many tales of strange reptillian monsters in the Congo which drew the late Ivan T. Sanderson to Africa in the early 1930's. This great naturalist and seeker of the unexplained explored the Upper Cross River in 1932 and on one occasion met up with some enormous beast which he believed could have fitted the general appearance of a dinosaur. In the company of Gerald Russel, another explorer, he and two native boys in two small canoes ventured up a gorge through which the Upper Cross river cuts. In the vicinity of Mamfre Pool they all heard aloud roaring noise. This was followed by what the group later described as the top of a head of some enormous creature which rose out of the water and then submerged. The African continent is filled with legends of so many such reptillian monsters, including a strange reptillian bird reminiscent of the Pterodactyl of old, that it would take far too long to explain them all in detail. Even in the as yet unexplored hinterlands of New Guinea there survive native legends of giant reptillian monsters.


Whilst conventional science disregards any likelihood that man lived contemporaneously with the Saurians there remains a still unanswered puzzle which surrounds certain fossil remains found both in Australia and the United States. Discoveries of often extensive layers of dinosaur feet, tail and other marks, intermingled with footprints which could have only been left by man. Take for example the hundreds of dinosaur and man tracks that have been known for many years in the fossilised mud layers of the Paluxy River, Texas, USA.

Scientists who have examined the tracks have gone away speechless, others have denounced them as fraud, being unable to accept the implications which the fossils present. Still others have attempted to explain the entire horde away as nothing more than "natural weatherings in the rock surface." Having examined dozens of photographs of the Paluxy River dinosaur and man tracks I am for one convinced that the hundreds of prints are genuine. It is evident that hitherto "impossible" to conclusions are eventually going to have to be drawn by Palaeontologists.

{Paluxy Texas}

Among the Paluxy dinosaur tracks are many identified species such as Brontosaurus, the often 65ft long beast synonymous with everyone's conception of atypical dinosaur; and the trackodon, or "Duckbill", a large species which stood on its hind legs up to 16ft tall and was 30ft in length. These tracks are mingled with manlike footprints which often measure as much as 2ft in length and anything up to 8 inches wide, tracks which only men of up to 12ft or more in height could have left. Yet these tracks date to the Mesozoic era some 170 million years ago, at least 140 million years before the first ancestors of the human family are supposed to have first appeared.

Indeginous Peoples And Dinosaurs

By now my readers might think I have gone "off the beam", that I have proposed possibilities that are far too fantastic to even consider. Yet we have seen primitive uneducated natives living thousands of miles from civilisation in the depths of the Congo jungle who have never seen a reconstruction of a dinosaur in any book, describing such creatures in their folklore and their present existence in the jungle depths. We have seen that our own Aborigines were describing in detail saurian type reptillian monsters centuries before they ever had access to white man's textbook drawings of these monsterous beasts. How then are we to explain these stories?

As myths? As the imagination of primitive people who dreamed up monsters that just happened to turn up in fossil beds centuries later? But if they are to be regarded as myths and legend, even if of primitive people, let us not forget that all mythology is founded upon actual historical events of the past. It may be apparent that we are going to have to draw new conclusions based upon actual fantastic fossil evidence coupled with the folklore of ancient peoples, that members of the dinosaur family once occupied this earth with another creature who rose to become master of all other life forms-MAN.

Paranormal and

Psychic Australian January 1978

UFO Base Under The Blue Mountains

By Rex Gilroy

UFO Base Under The Blue Mountains